Admal Aviation College Embarks on CSR Initiative in Kg Kepau Laut, Pulau Carey

Admal Aviation College Embarks on CSR Initiative in Kg Kepau Laut, Pulau Carey
Admal Aviation College Embarks on CSR Initiative in Kg Kepau Laut, Pulau Carey

In a heartwarming show of commitment to social responsibility, Admal Aviation College organized a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program in the peaceful village of Kg Kepau Laut, Pulau Carey. This community outreach initiative focused on both infrastructural improvements and engaging activities, fostering a strong bond between the college and the local community.

Restoring the Musalla for the Community

The primary focus of the day was the refurbishment of the village musalla, a spiritual sanctuary and gathering space for residents. The Admal Aviation College team worked diligently to give the musalla a fresh new look. The project included replacing the ceiling, painting the walls, and adding a fresh coat of paint to the gate. This improvement aims to provide a more comfortable and welcoming environment for villagers to gather and worship.

“Our goal with this refurbishment was to create a rejuvenated space for the community,” explained a representative from Admal Aviation College. “We hope the refreshed musalla will be a source of pride and joy for everyone here, a place where they can gather and strengthen their bonds with one another and their faith.”

Fun and Games for the Local Youth

While the refurbishment efforts were underway, other team members organized fun and engaging activities for the children and youth of Kg Kepau Laut. These activities were designed not only to entertain but also to bring smiles and joy to the young members of the community, encouraging creativity, teamwork, and friendship.

Children participated enthusiastically, enjoying every moment of the games and challenges set up for them. From team games to individual activities, there was something for every child to enjoy. The Admal Aviation College team members acted as mentors and friends, building connections that go beyond the day’s activities.

A Warm Meal and Lasting Connections

The CSR program also included a shared lunch, prepared by the Admal Aviation College volunteers. The team cooked a meal to be enjoyed by all, providing an opportunity for everyone – students, faculty, villagers, and children alike – to sit down together and share stories over a delicious meal. This sense of unity, built around a shared table, underscored the day’s theme of community and connection.

Looking Ahead

Admal Aviation College believes in giving back to society and creating meaningful connections through acts of service. This CSR event in Kg Kepau Laut exemplifies the college’s dedication to fostering relationships and supporting communities in meaningful ways.

The college plans to continue organizing similar events, expanding its efforts to reach other underserved communities. Through such initiatives, Admal Aviation College aims to make a difference not only in the field of aviation but also in the lives of those beyond its campus.

Tournament Bowling Recap: A Day of Strikes and Celebrations!

Admal Aviation Tournament Bowling Recap A Day of Strikes and Celebrations
Admal Aviation Tournament Bowling Recap A Day of Strikes and Celebrations

On 26th November 2024, the lanes at Kompleks Sukan MSN Nilai, were alive with excitement as players gathered for an exhilarating Tournament Bowling Event! With participants from various teams and supporters cheering enthusiastically, it was a day filled with camaraderie, competition, and fantastic bowling action.

Admal Aviation Tournament Bowling Recap Highlight

Event Highlights

  • Registration: The event kicked off with registration at 1:30 PM, as teams arrived to secure their spots and strategize for the games ahead.
  • Game Start: At 2:00 PM, the pins began to fall as bowlers showcased their skills, determination, and team spirit across the alleys.
  • Closing Time: After intense rounds of competitive bowling, the games concluded at 5:30 PM, leaving everyone in awe of the incredible performances.
Admal Aviation Tournament Bowling Recap

The Champions! 🏆

The event crowned Team SIAEC as the Tournament Champions, claiming victory with impressive coordination and skill.

  • 1st Runner-Up: Team CAAM put up a fantastic fight, securing second place.
  • 2nd Runner-Up: Team MPP rounded out the top three with commendable teamwork and effort.

Individual Achievements 🎯

Special recognition went to the Top Scorers who stood out with their exceptional individual performances:

  • Students:
    • Zulfan and Hidayah amazed the crowd with their precision and consistency.
  • Staff:
    • Mr. Adam and Miss Aleena led the staff category with their remarkable bowling prowess.
Admal Aviation Tournament Bowling Experience

A Memorable Experience

The tournament wasn’t just about winning—it was a celebration of unity, friendly rivalry, and shared joy. The audience added to the vibrant atmosphere with their enthusiastic support, while participants forged stronger bonds with their teammates.

Admal Aviation Tournament Bowling Recap Experience

Thank You!

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the participants, organizers, and supporters who made this event a success. Congratulations to the winners and a big cheer for everyone who participated—you made the day unforgettable!

Stay tuned for more exciting events and competitions. Until then, keep striking for greatness! 🎳✨

Program Turun Padang Perkampungan Orang Asli di KOA SG, Rasau Hulu Puchong

Pada 28 September 2024, sebuah program komuniti yang mesra dan penuh manfaat, Program Turun Padang Perkampungan Orang Asli, telah berlangsung di Kampung Orang Asli (KOA) Sungai Rasau Hulu, Puchong. Program ini bertujuan untuk memperkukuh hubungan masyarakat dengan komuniti Orang Asli serta menyumbang kepada pembangunan sosial dan rohani penduduk setempat.

Dengan pelbagai aktiviti yang dianjurkan, program ini berjaya menarik perhatian penduduk kampung dan pelawat dari luar, memupuk semangat perpaduan serta kesedaran dalam beberapa aspek penting kehidupan. Antara aktiviti yang berlangsung sepanjang hari tersebut termasuk:

Pengurusan Kad Islam

Salah satu acara penting ialah Pengurusan Kad Islam, di mana penduduk kampung berpeluang memperbaharui atau membuat pengurusan baru kad identiti Islam mereka. Ini adalah usaha untuk memastikan penduduk Orang Asli mendapat akses yang adil dan tepat kepada dokumen-dokumen pengenalan diri mereka dalam konteks agama, sekali gus mengukuhkan identiti sebagai Muslim dalam kalangan komuniti tersebut.

Pemantapan Rukun Qauli

Program ini juga menekankan aspek pemahaman dan pengukuhan Rukun Qauli, iaitu rukun-rukun penting dalam agama Islam yang merangkumi aspek pengucapan dalam ibadah. Penduduk kampung berpeluang mendalami serta memahami dengan lebih baik rukun-rukun ini, yang menjadi asas kepada pelaksanaan ibadah solat dan amalan-amalan harian sebagai Muslim.

Sukaneka Kanak-Kanak

Acara yang paling menceriakan adalah Sukaneka Kanak-Kanak, di mana pelbagai permainan sukaneka tradisional dianjurkan untuk kanak-kanak. Acara ini bukan sahaja menggalakkan gaya hidup aktif, malah mengeratkan hubungan sesama kanak-kanak serta keluarga mereka melalui aktiviti yang menyeronokkan dan berfaedah. Senyuman dan gelak tawa kanak-kanak menghidupkan suasana, menjadikan program lebih meriah.

Kuiz Dewasa

Bagi golongan dewasa, Kuiz Dewasa telah dianjurkan untuk menguji pengetahuan am, agama, dan kebudayaan. Pertandingan ini bukan sahaja mencabar minda tetapi juga berfungsi sebagai platform untuk mempromosikan pembelajaran dalam suasana yang santai dan menyeronokkan. Peluang untuk memenangi hadiah turut memberi galakan kepada peserta untuk terlibat secara aktif.

Kemaskini Kad Pengenalan

Selain itu, pihak penganjur juga menyediakan perkhidmatan Kemaskini Kad Pengenalan bagi penduduk kampung yang memerlukan bantuan untuk memperbaharui atau menyelesaikan isu-isu berkaitan dokumen pengenalan diri. Ini adalah inisiatif penting untuk memastikan semua penduduk Orang Asli mempunyai dokumen identiti yang sah dan teratur.


Acara terakhir tetapi tidak kurang pentingnya ialah Gotong-Royong, di mana seluruh komuniti kampung dan para peserta bekerjasama dalam aktiviti membersihkan dan memperindahkan kawasan kampung. Gotong-royong ini bukan sahaja memperbaiki persekitaran fizikal kampung tetapi juga menyemai semangat kekitaan, kerjasama, dan rasa tanggungjawab sosial di kalangan peserta.

Secara keseluruhannya, Program Turun Padang Perkampungan Orang Asli di KOA Sungai Rasau Hulu Puchong telah berjaya memperkukuhkan hubungan antara masyarakat luar dengan komuniti Orang Asli. Aktiviti-aktiviti yang dianjurkan telah memberikan impak positif dari segi pembangunan rohani, sosial, dan fizikal. Program seperti ini wajar diteruskan dan dijadikan platform tahunan untuk terus menyokong serta memajukan komuniti Orang Asli di seluruh negara.

Dengan semangat muhibah dan kerjasama yang ditunjukkan, program ini bukan sahaja berjaya mencapai objektifnya tetapi juga meninggalkan kenangan manis kepada semua yang terlibat.

A Fresh Start: The Intake and Orientation for Air Ground Handling Technician & Cabin Crew Airline Services

Intake and Orientation for Air Ground Handling Technician & Cabin Crew Airline Services (8)
Intake and Orientation for Air Ground Handling Technician & Cabin Crew Airline Services (14)

The Aviation Dream Begins!

Every journey starts with a first step, and for the aspiring air ground handling technicians and cabin crew of tomorrow, the intake and orientation mark the beginning of a thrilling career in the aviation industry. Stepping into a career in aviation means entering a fast-paced, dynamic environment where precision, safety, and exceptional service are key. Let’s take a glimpse into the intake and orientation process for these exciting roles.

Our Training Technician Program is carefully structured to provide participants with a blend of theoretical and practical knowledge. We ensure that every trainee gains essential skills in a variety of technical areas, preparing them to meet industry demands.

But that’s not all! As part of the new intake, all trainees will undergo a 3-day orientation, designed to familiarize them with the program, its requirements, and the exciting opportunities ahead.

The orientation will take place over three days, packed with engaging activities that will help participants acclimate to the learning environment, meet fellow trainees, and receive important briefings.

Day 1: Welcoming the New Batch

On the first day, excitement and anticipation fill the air. New recruits, eager to make their mark in the industry, gather for registration and orientation.

The intake process starts with document verification, where all the necessary credentials, qualifications, and medical records are submitted. This step is crucial to ensure that candidates meet the stringent standards required by airlines and ground handling companies.

Once registered, the recruits are welcomed by the training coordinators and senior staff. They are introduced to the structure of the program, which typically spans several weeks. An overview of the different aspects of training – theoretical, practical, and on-field – is provided to give them a clear idea of what lies ahead.

An expert from the industry delivers a motivational talk, sharing insights into the aviation world. This session often includes trends, expectations, challenges, and the future of aviation, setting a professional tone for the journey ahead.

The first day also features ice-breaking sessions where the new recruits participate in team-building exercises. These activities encourage camaraderie and help build strong bonds among peers, which is essential in such a high-pressure and team-oriented environment.

Day 2: Orientation in Safety, Standards, and Service

The second day of orientation shifts to the nitty-gritty of the roles, emphasizing safety, standards, and service excellence – the three pillars of aviation.

Safety is paramount in aviation, and recruits are introduced to the stringent safety protocols that govern both ground handling and cabin crew services. The basics of airport safety regulations, aircraft handling procedures, and emergency response protocols are explained. Recruits learn how safety is the cornerstone of every task in aviation.

Ground handling technicians are given an in-depth introduction to the responsibilities they will shoulder. From baggage handling, aircraft marshalling, and ramp operations to ensuring that flights take off on time, every detail is crucial. Meanwhile, cabin crew recruits are oriented on their responsibilities, from ensuring passenger safety to providing world-class service.

A key component of cabin crew orientation is customer service. Airlines are known for their service standards, and recruits are trained on delivering hospitality with a smile. Practical tips on dealing with passengers, handling tough situations, and maintaining professionalism are highlighted.

Especially for cabin crew recruits, there is a focus on personal grooming and etiquette. Professionalism in appearance and behaviour is critical for both ground handling staff and cabin crew. Expert grooming consultants may offer practical lessons on appearance, dress codes, and the general demeanour expected in the aviation industry.

Day 3: Bowling Activities to Bond and Recharge

After two days of intensive orientation and learning, the third day is dedicated to a fun and light-hearted bowling activity. This day is all about fostering teamwork, unwinding, and building stronger relationships among the recruits.

Recruits are divided into teams, mixing ground handling technicians and cabin crew members, for a friendly bowling tournament. This not only serves as a great bonding experience but also enhances teamwork skills that are crucial in the aviation industry. Everyone gets to enjoy some healthy competition in a relaxed and fun environment.

While bowling may seem like a simple game, it requires collaboration, communication, and strategy—just like in aviation. The activity helps break down any lingering barriers and encourages recruits to cheer for each other, boosting morale and trust.

After the tournament, prizes and recognitions are awarded for individual and team performances. The highlight is not just winning but creating a sense of unity, where everyone celebrates each other’s efforts.

The day ends with informal mingling over snacks, allowing recruits to relax and network in a casual setting. Conversations flow easily, giving everyone a chance to reflect on the first two days and get to know their colleagues better.

New Intake for Training Technician Program: A Promising Start for Aspiring Technicians

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New Intake for Training Technician Program (13)

We are thrilled to announce the new intake for our Training Technician Program, designed to equip young, aspiring individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the world of technical expertise. If you’re passionate about hands-on learning and seeking a rewarding career in the technical field, this program is for you!

Our Training Technician Program is carefully structured to provide participants with a blend of theoretical and practical knowledge. We ensure that every trainee gains essential skills in a variety of technical areas, preparing them to meet industry demands.

But that’s not all! As part of the new intake, all trainees will undergo a 3-day orientation, designed to familiarize them with the program, its requirements, and the exciting opportunities ahead.

The orientation will take place over three days, packed with engaging activities that will help participants acclimate to the learning environment, meet fellow trainees, and receive important briefings.

Day 1: Welcome and Introduction

The first day of orientation will focus on welcoming new participants. There will be sessions where trainees meet the instructors and mentors, who will guide them throughout their journey. Trainees will also be introduced to the facilities, program structure, and the code of conduct expected during the training.

Day 2: Icebreakers and Team Building

The second day is all about fostering teamwork and collaboration. Trainees will participate in fun and engaging icebreaker activities designed to build camaraderie and teamwork skills. They will also engage in problem-solving tasks that mirror real-world technical challenges, encouraging critical thinking and creativity.

Day 3: Bowling and Fun

On the final day, we’ll wrap up the orientation with a fun and relaxing session of bowling! This friendly competition is a great way to unwind and strengthen bonds formed during the first two days. Teamwork, fun, and friendly rivalry will make this a memorable experience as we transition into the technical training portion of the program.

Entry Requirements

Our Training Technician Program is open to individuals who meet the following entry requirements:

  • Age: 18-23 years old
  • Academic Requirements:
    • Minimum SPM with at least a grade ‘C’ in Mathematics, Physics/Science, and English
    • Or, possession of a SKM certificate or a KV Diploma
  • Physical & Mental Health:
    • Trainees must be physically and mentally fit to engage in technical work.
    • Applicants must not be colour blind, as many technical tasks require precise colour identification.

These requirements ensure that participants have the basic knowledge, fitness, and capacity to thrive in a technical setting.

Why Join?

As a trainee in this program, you’ll have the opportunity to work with industry professionals, gain hands-on experience, and become part of a network of skilled technicians. Graduates from our program are well-prepared for employment in various industries, including manufacturing, aviation, automotive, and more.

We encourage all interested individuals who meet the entry requirements to apply. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to kickstart your career and develop skills that are in high demand across multiple industries.

Applications are now open! Join our Training Technician Program and take the first step towards a bright and fulfilling future.

Admal Aviation College Celebrates Hari Raya Haji with Reverence and Community Spirit

admal hari raya haji
hari raya haji

Admal Aviation College recently celebrated Hari Raya Haji, also known as Eid al-Adha, with great reverence and community spirit. This significant Islamic festival, observed by Muslims worldwide, commemorates the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son in obedience to God’s command. At Admal Aviation College, the celebrations were marked by the main ritual of korban, the sacrifice of cows, symbolizing faith, devotion, and communal sharing.

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The centerpiece of the Hari Raya Haji celebration at Admal Aviation College was the korban, or the sacrificial offering of cows. This ritual, deeply rooted in Islamic tradition, symbolizes the spirit of giving and the importance of sharing blessings with those in need.

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The college had made meticulous preparations for the korban, ensuring that all aspects of the ritual were carried out with the utmost respect and adherence to Islamic guidelines. The cows selected for the sacrifice were treated with care and compassion, reflecting the college’s commitment to ethical and humane practices.

The korban ceremony was a communal effort, with students, faculty, and staff actively participating. The atmosphere was filled with a sense of unity and purpose as everyone gathered to witness and partake in the ritual. The sacrificial act was performed with solemnity and reverence, followed by the distribution of the meat.

In keeping with the true spirit of Hari Raya Haji, the meat from the sacrifice was distributed to the less fortunate within the college community and the surrounding neighbourhoods. Volunteers worked tirelessly to ensure that the meat reached those in need, embodying the festival’s values of compassion and generosity.

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Following the korban ritual, the college hosted a series of festive activities to celebrate Hari Raya Haji. A communal feast was organized, where the feast provided an opportunity for everyone to come together, share a meal, and enjoy each other’s company.

Hari Raya Haji at Admal Aviation College was a day of profound faith, community bonding, and joyful celebration. The observance of the korban ritual highlighted the values of sacrifice and generosity, reminding everyone of the importance of compassion and sharing. As the college community came together to celebrate this significant festival, they reinforced their commitment to these enduring values, making Hari Raya Haji a truly memorable and meaningful occasion.

Admal Aviation College Shines at Sunsuria Club Tournament

admal sunsuria club
sunsuria cup

Gather ’round, dear students and esteemed faculty of Admal Aviation College, for a tale of mystery and excitement awaits!

Once upon a moonlit night, as the winds whispered through the corridors of our beloved college, a thrilling idea began to take shape. The halls, usually bustling with the sounds of study and laughter, fell into a hushed anticipation as whispers of a Fright Night Dinner began to circulate.

sunsuria cup 2

It all began with a daring vision – to transform our humble college into a haven of eerie enchantment, where the ordinary would give way to the extraordinary. The theme was set: Fright Night. And thus, the stage was set for a spine-chilling spectacle that would leave hearts racing and souls trembling.

As the days drew near, the air became charged with excitement and curiosity. What mysteries awaited behind the closed doors of our venue? What ghastly delights would our culinary wizards conjure up to tantalize our taste buds? The anticipation was palpable, like the crackle of lightning on a stormy night.

And so, on the appointed evening, as dusk descended upon the college grounds, the transformation began. The once familiar halls were cloaked in an otherworldly glow, as shadows danced and whispered secrets of the night. Eerie fog crept along the floors, while mysterious lighting cast ghostly shadows upon the walls.

As guests arrived, they were greeted by a sight to behold. The venue had been transformed into a haunted spectacle, straight out of their darkest nightmares. But fear not, for amidst the frights lay an abundance of delights. The feast that awaited them was a sight to behold – a tantalizing array of dishes and drinks that promised to satisfy even the most discerning palate.

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But the true heart of the evening lay in the thrilling games and activities that awaited. From ghostly scavenger hunts to spine-chilling tales around the campfire, every moment was filled with excitement and anticipation. And as the night wore on, laughter mingled with screams as guests dared to test their bravery in the face of the unknown.

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And so, dear friends, as the clock struck midnight and the evening drew to a close, our Fright Night Dinner came to an end. But the memories of this unforgettable night will linger on, like ghostly echoes in the halls of our beloved Admal Aviation College.

Until next time, may your dreams be filled with thrills and your hearts with courage.

Admal Aviation College Fright Night Dinner

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Gather ’round, dear students and esteemed faculty of Admal Aviation College, for a tale of mystery and excitement awaits!

Once upon a moonlit night, as the winds whispered through the corridors of our beloved college, a thrilling idea began to take shape. The halls, usually bustling with the sounds of study and laughter, fell into a hushed anticipation as whispers of a Fright Night Dinner began to circulate.

It all began with a daring vision – to transform our humble college into a haven of eerie enchantment, where the ordinary would give way to the extraordinary. The theme was set: Fright Night. And thus, the stage was set for a spine-chilling spectacle that would leave hearts racing and souls trembling.

As the days drew near, the air became charged with excitement and curiosity. What mysteries awaited behind the closed doors of our venue? What ghastly delights would our culinary wizards conjure up to tantalize our taste buds? The anticipation was palpable, like the crackle of lightning on a stormy night.

And so, on the appointed evening, as dusk descended upon the college grounds, the transformation began. The once familiar halls were cloaked in an otherworldly glow, as shadows danced and whispered secrets of the night. Eerie fog crept along the floors, while mysterious lighting cast ghostly shadows upon the walls.

As guests arrived, they were greeted by a sight to behold. The venue had been transformed into a haunted spectacle, straight out of their darkest nightmares. But fear not, for amidst the frights lay an abundance of delights. The feast that awaited them was a sight to behold – a tantalizing array of dishes and drinks that promised to satisfy even the most discerning palate.

But the true heart of the evening lay in the thrilling games and activities that awaited. From ghostly scavenger hunts to spine-chilling tales around the campfire, every moment was filled with excitement and anticipation. And as the night wore on, laughter mingled with screams as guests dared to test their bravery in the face of the unknown.

And so, dear friends, as the clock struck midnight and the evening drew to a close, our Fright Night Dinner came to an end. But the memories of this unforgettable night will linger on, like ghostly echoes in the halls of our beloved Admal Aviation College.

Until next time, may your dreams be filled with thrills and your hearts with courage.

Admal Football Match

admal football match tournament
admal football match 4

At the college, a plan was hatched to have a friendly football match between the staff and students to celebrate Mr Faiz Sarbani (CAAM instructor) in college who will be leaving Admal Aviation College this month, spreading his wings to a new workplace after 8 years being a dedicated and amazing instructor to our beloved students here. Everyone was excited about the prospects of an unlikely victory.

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It was the day of the big match between the staffs and students. The students were full of excitement and anticipation while the staff were slightly more subdued, though they all believed they had a fair chance of winning.

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From these match, the students can strengthen the relationship among them. Transportation, food and beverages was provided using the budgets that was given from the college. The event was run smoothly and give lots of benefits and memorable experience to the students as well as the college staff members.The match began and within minutes it was clear that the staff team had superior skills and technique.

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On game day, both sides line up enthusiastically in their respective teams and kick off. Despite their determination, it soon becomes clear that the staff and students team is both energetic. By half time they’re ahead by two goals and look set to win.

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The students team rallies in the second half, catching up on their opponents’ score and managing to level it out to a 2-2 draw with only five minutes of play left. It looks like this will be a tie, but then proceed for penalty shoot outs and the final result staffs won 2-1 (4-3) in aggregate.

This football match was held on 18th January 2023 at Stadium Sepang.

Congratulations and All the best !

Aircraft Manufacturing Technician (AMT) students Industrial Visit

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Our Aircraft Manufacturing Technician (AMT) students industry visit to SME Aerospace 👍

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